#Students' Rights
Curaçao Council of Ministers

The Minister of Education (with the cabinet support?) is withholding due payment for students in the region. This action may have irreversible consequences on very short (a week!) term, as the students and/or:
1. may lose their placement at the colleges,
2. lose their required courses,
3. be evicted out of there apartments.

Minister di Edukashon (ku bendishon di Gobiernu?) no ta hasiendo pagonan nesesario pa e studiantenan den region. E akshon aki, por tin konsekeunsianan inrevesibel den e proksimo siman. Komo ku e studiantenan e.o.:
1. Por perde nan inskripshon na "College".
2. Perde nan materia di eskoho.
3. Perde nan apartamentu.

We, the undersigned, call on the Counsel of Ministers of Curacao to:
1. Commence the inmediate payment of due charges, on behalf of all students for the new academic year.
2. State that all students of the region will have the reassurance that they will keep receiving all needed financial aid as agreed, until completion of there studies.

Firmanetenan, ta eksihi pa Ministerraad:
1. Kuminsa di forma inmediato ku pagonan na nomber di e studiantenan den regio, pa e aña universitario nobo.
2. Indika, ku studiantenan den region ta sigura di sigi haña finansiamentu di nan estudio te ora nan finalisa esaki.

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The Support "Studiantenan den Region". petition to Curaçao Council of Ministers was written by Henry Plaate and is in the category Students' Rights at GoPetition.