Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality
South Africa


Mangaung Metro Municipality wants to close down Stuck in the Mud. Recreational enthusiast needs a facility like Stuck in the Mud. Please support us in our cause & sign the petition and help save STUCK IN THE MUD.

Stuck in the Mud is a facility near Bloemfontein in the Free State where different sports like; mountain biking, hiking, 4x4, quad biking, endure biking and off road, comes together since 2000. The shaded outdoor bar & facility is a heaven for outdoor enthusiasts. Stuck has over 4700 face book fans and +- 250-400 visitors every weekend.

The large shaded area with a massive outdoor stage gives local artists the opportunity to perform their talent. Stars like Snotkop, Saarkie, Faaitjie, Bertie, Jaki Louw and Kurt Darren have visit or performed at Stuck in the Mud. The save family atmosphere creates a safe environment for kids. Average visitor age is 2-70.

Stuck is located on an old quarry and open field between Kwaggafontein and Langehovenpark. Stuck has no violence or other reported crimes. Stuck do have a liquor licence. Stuck help local CPF & help manage illegal dumping. Stuck motivate people with motor bikes to keep out of the suburbs and enjoy the outdoors.

Due to our long history it would be a very sad day if Stuck in the Mud would be no more due to future development. Over the years we became the local recreational area & pub, we are an icon in the community. Local people love to use the facility with the outdoor environment, not even speaking of the staff job loss.

There is NO OTHER FACILITY like this in Mangaung district, recreational enthusiast needs a facility like Stuck in the Mud. If not the existing premises Metro municipality can maybe allocate other premises. Please support us in our cause & sign the petition and help save STUCK IN THE MUD.

PLEASE - No negative or swearing comments, we need to submit the petition to court.

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I, the undersigned, call on Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality of Bloemfontein to re-consider the closing down of Stuck in the Mud due to public interest.

We use the terrain and facility called Stuck in the Mud for recreational purpose.
We hereby give Stuck in the Mud permission to negotiate options with Mangaung Metro Municipality on our behalf to protect our rights as sportsman and outdoor enthusiast. We need a facility like Stuck in the Mud.

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The Help Save Recreational facility - STUCK IN THE MUD petition to Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality was written by Stuck In The Mud and is in the category Sports at GoPetition.

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Stuck in the Mud