#Children's Rights
South Africa
South Africa
Father'sright movenent

We aim to Help fight for father's and the children's right to have a healthy relationship with GOOD ABLE FATHER'S that want to be apart of the children's lives but are being alienated by vicious abusive women.. This is a very serious matter. As we all know time is the one thing you can't get back. My husband has been going threw this for 6 year's the emotional abuse and once the split the ALIENATION. For the last +- 3 years we have been "fighting" a loosing battle to see his/our son. My step son.... PLEASE sighn and like and share

We are for Children's rights to have a relationship with the father's that are fighting hard to see the children... Each signature is a voice. Each like,comment and share let's us know we are not alone.

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The Support fathers rights petition to South Africa was written by ChantalStephan van der Westhuizen and is in the category Children's Rights at GoPetition.

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