Prime Minister of Malaysia


Dr Zakir Naik merupakan antara pendakwah prolifik dalam dunia hari ini dan kini mendapat perlindungan di Malaysia kerana tekanan perundangan oleh kerajaan India. Antara kehebatannya yang disebut sebagai Ahmad Deedat ke-2 ialah beliau mampu berhujah menggunakan pelbagai rujukan samada Al-Quran, Hadis, Bibble, Veda, Mahabrata, New Testament dan sebagainya dalam mematikaan hujah lawan seterusnya mengangkat al-Quran sebagai sumber yang benar-benar sahih datang daripada Allah SWT. Beliau adalah seorang intelektual Islam yang diktiraf diseluruh dunia dan diperakui oleh negara-negara Islam. Hujah dan syarahannya tidak mempunyai unsur menghasut atau menghina agama lain seperti yang didakwa melainkan mengangkat kebaikan agama Islam mengatasi agama anutan yang lain.
Selepas kemenangan Parti BJP di India yang diketuai oleh Narendra Modi, serta disokong oleh gerakan fanatik agama Hindu dibawah pengaruh puak RSS ( pertubuhan berfahaman nasionalis dan ekstrimis Hindu ), mereka terus menekan supaya tindakan ke atas Dr Zakir diambil, kini dakwaan pemindahan wang haram oleh Dr Zakir dijadikan tuduhan pilihan dan memohon bantuan Interpol untuk mengektradisi Dr Zakir ke India . Namun, Dr Zakir telah berkali-kali menjelaskan semua prosedur kewangan beliau sangat telus. Tidak ada yang mahu diselindungi. Semua dokumen aliran kewangan dan tanggungjawab membayar cukai telah diserah kepada pihak berwajib India.
Tekanan dalam Malaysia juga telah diberi oleh beberapa aktivis sosial, segelintir media tempatan dan ahli politik kerajaan agar Malaysia segera melakukan proses ekstradisi tersebut. Namun kami yakin ramai berpandangan bahawa Dr Zakir bukan lagi mahu diadili di mahkamah India kerana sudah pasti tidak akan mendapat pembicaraan yang adil setelah beliau diberi persepsi yang buruk oleh kerajaan dan media di sana, tetapi lebih untuk menahan beliau dan tidak membenarkan beliau menyampaikan dakwahnya di negara itu.
Kerajaan Malaysia setakat ini masih bertahan dan tidak tunduk kepada tekanan India dan desakan segelintir pihak disini lalu membenarkan Dr Zakir terus berada di Malaysia selagi beliau tidak menyalahi undang-undang negara ini. Namun suasana dan iklim politik mutakhir ini agak sukar dan membimbangkan akan pendirian tersebut.

Sehubungan itu, MAPIM mengesa dan akan menggerakkan seluruh umat Islam agar bersatu mempertahankan hak kerajaan Malaysia untuk tidak mengesktradiksi Dr Zakir ke India walau apa tekanan yang dikenakan.
Kempen yang dinamakan “Say No to India Extradition” telah dilancarkan pada hari Jumaat, 14 Jun 2019 jam 10 pagi bertempat di Dewan Majlis Perundingan Melayu, 371-A, Jalan Ledang, off Jalan Duta 50480 Kuala Lumpur .
Semua Tokoh Masyarakat, NGO, Badan sukarela, Pertubuhan berdaftar dan Parti Politik adalah dijemput untuk menyatakan sokongan kepada Kempen ini.


Dr. Zakir Naik is one of the most prolific preacher in the world and is now getting sanction from the Malaysian Government due to the pressures of the law from the Indian government. Amongst his greatness that is always being mentioned as the Ahmad Deedat II, his ability to debate using references from the Quran, Hadith, Bible, Veda, Mahabrata, New Testement as to go against the opponents and alongvthe way putting the Quran as the sole source thatvis truly from Allah SWT. He is an Islamic intellectual known throughout the world and is sanctioned by the Islamic countries. His speeches and lectures do not have any form of bad provocation or insults to other religions, as what was being claimed by others, but he is merely upholding the good of Islam as opposed to other religion.

After winning the election, the BJP Party in India headed by Narendra Modi, and supported by the Hindu fanatics under the influence of the RSS group, they were set to put pressure until actions towards Dr. Zakir were carried out. Now with the money laundering being the main accusation towards Dr. Zakir, they seek help from the Interpol to extradite Dr. Zakir to India. However, Dr. Zakir has repeatedly explained all his financial procedures were legal and within the Indian laws. There is nothing to hide. All his financial flow documents and his reponsibilities towards paying taxes to the Indian authorities were carried out dliligently.

Pressures in Malaysia was also carried out by various social activists, a few local media and politicians in the Malaysian government, demanding Malaysia to carry out the extradiction as soon as possible.

However, we are sure many are in the view that Dr. Zakir is not going to get a fair trial in the Indian court since Dr. Zakir has been given a very bad perception by the Indian government and the Indian media. It is more of putting Dr. Zakir under arrest and not allowing him to preach in India.

The Malaysian government up until now is still holding strong and does not entertain the pressures from the Indian government and from some parties in Malaysia. Malaysia has allowed Dr. Zakir Naik to be in Malaysia as ling as he abides the laws of the Malaysian government. However, the condition of the latest Malaysian politics is making it difficult and most disturbing for the government to hold on to this.

In accordance to this, MAPIM is urging and will get the support from the Islamic community to be together and stay strong with the Malaysian government in upholding its rights to not extradiate Dr. Zakir to India, no matter what.

Part of the campaign is called "Support Dr. Zakir Naik: Say No to India Extradition" is by way of an "Online Petition". The result of the petition will be handed to the Prime Minister as a symbol of Solidarity with the Malaysian Government to ensure the safety of Dr. Zakir Naik.


Support Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad on his decision on Dr Zakir Naik

Attack on Dr Zakir Naik is an attack on Islam
and on all the rational Muslim minds across the world.

The world’s most rational Muslim mind is under attack by powerful forces in India for having committed no crime, but for spreading the truth of Islam and promoting peace. The Indian government – backed by right wing nationalist groups – is doing everything it can to ruin Dr Zakir Naik’s global work and is planning to put him behind bars in any manner possible. It is now upon the Muslim ummah and the rational thinkers of the world who believe in liberty, equality and freedom of speech to stand up and resist the Indian government’s nefarious plans. Because an attack on Dr Naik is not just an attack on him but on Islam itself and on all the rational, peace loving Muslims of the world. It is also an attack on Malaysia where he now lives.

The Indian media and government have been trying to demonize Dr Zakir Naik since the last three years. Unable to find any evidence to support their accusations of money laundering and terror, they have resorted to vile, dishonest schemes in a bid to tarnish his image and put an end to his Da’wah work. Dr Zakir Naik has time and again challenged the Indian government to produce a scrap of evidence to back their claims, but they have been unable to do so.

A medical doctor by qualification, Dr Zakir Naik has given 25 years of his life to Islam, to spreading truth and peace, and to conveying the true meaning of being a Muslim. He is considered today a leading authority on comparative religion and the most prolific preacher of Islam, with over 200 million followers across the world. Dr Naik is also the most awarded Muslim of current times, having received several global recognitions such as the King Faisal Award by Saudi Arabia, the Islamic Personality the Year Award by the UAE, and the International Toko Maal Hijrah Award by our own government of Malaysia.

This is perhaps why he has been targeted repeatedly by Islamophobic forces across the world, especially in India. It is, however, ironical that the enemies of Islam chose to call such an awarded personality a terrorist when the governments of Saudi Arabia, UAE and Malaysia carried out extensive background checks on Dr Naik before conferring on him their highest awards. It is akin to labeling all these governments as terrorists too because they harboured and awarded a ‘terrorist’. It leads to a simple fact: India is not afraid of Dr Naik’s threat of ‘terror’, but rather, they are afraid of peace.

Though this is not the first time Dr Naik has met hurdles, the recent one is certainly the biggest one to date because it comes from his own government. The Indian government, for the past three years, has left no stone unturned in trying to stop Dr Naik from delivering the message of peace. He has been called a terrorist and a cheater, his assets have been frozen, his school taken away from him, and his friends and co-workers arrested and jailed. The Indian government has tried every trick in the trade to stop his work.

This Indian government has proven itself to be an unjust, oppressive and discriminatory regime. Not just in the case of Dr Naik, but through a track record of abuse against Muslims. It is the same RSS-backed Indian government that has witnessed lynchings of over 35 innocent Muslims in India – lynchings that were carried out in public and for which those responsible were not punished but applauded by the Hindu nationalists. It is the same government that has bought over the mainstream media, and compromised all the key democratic institutions of the country including the Supreme Court, Election Commission, police forces, intelligence agencies and enforcement directorates, and continues to create an environment of hatred towards Muslims. The days of the BJP’s rise to power in India have been marked by violence against Muslims, whether it be through mob terror or through unjust state-sanctioned laws. India has never seen such a big social divide in the 70 years of its independence.

Muslims in India are facing dark days. The harassment of Dr Naik is only a tiny part of a bigger picture. A picture that we can no longer ignore. India’s objective is not a secret anymore: Muslims must be stripped of their dignity, and Muslim voices must be muted until the Muslim community can no longer defend itself. If India succeeds in silencing its most prolific Islamic figure, it would effectively silence the community as a whole.

However, all the might of the government, the media houses and agencies put together has failed till date. They have failed because they did not have a single proof of wrongdoing on Dr Naik’s part. The agencies continued their witch hunt by trying different angles, from terror to money laundering, but the fictitious charges have been unable to withstand the scrutiny of the Indian courts. They even tried attaching his properties on two occasions, but the court – the Appellate Tribunal – put a stay on their actions because it did not find any wrongdoing in relation to those properties. Not just the Indian courts, the Interpol too has not been convinced of the charges submitted to them on Dr. Naik. It has refused to issue a red corner notice (RCN) against Dr Naik on two different occasions in the last two years.

With all else having failed, the only resort left to the Indian government is to somehow get Dr Zakir Naik deported to India in order to manipulate the prosecution system and put him away for years or maybe decades. Make no mistake, this is not the first time that a Muslim will be jailed in India only to be found innocent 15 years later. That is the last resort and that is the Indian government’s plan. But this can only happen if he is deported back to India. And that cannot be allowed.

Allah says, “Allah is He Who makes feeble the plans and stratagem of those who reject Faith.” (Al Qur’an 8:18)

Our prime minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, has taken a bold decision to not accede to the wishes of the Indian government. As rational, peace-loving Muslims, we applaud him for not backing down in his stance of solidarity with Dr Zakir Naik. It prides us that our country has been a voice of justice for the world and continues to do so, and we appeal to our government to resist any pressure from India to deport Dr Zakir Naik.

If we, as an ummah, do not step up to defend our faith and our brothers in faith, then what courage can we dare claim to possess? Dear brothers and sisters, it’s time we stopped being bystanders and played our parts in making a change. By signing this petition, you stand by your prime minister and join a movement that says no to oppression, and a resounding yes to justice, peace and harmony.

Kami menyokong Kerajaan Malaysia untuk bertahan dan tidak tunduk kepada tekanan India dan desakan segelintir pihak disini untuk mengekstradisi Dr zakir Naik ke India. Kami juga menyokong penuh tindakan kerajaan bagi membenarkan Dr Zakir terus berada di Malaysia selagi beliau tidak menyalahi undang-undang negara ini.

We support the Government of Malaysia in upholding its rights and do not succumb to India's pressures and the insistence of small group in Malaysia to extradite Dr Zakir Naik to India. We also fully support the government's action to allow Dr Zakir to remain in Malaysia as long as he does not violate the laws of this country.

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The Support Dr Zakir Naik : Say No to India Extradition petition to Prime Minister of Malaysia was written by Rozaidi Taib and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.

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Support dr zakir naik