Rocky Mountain PSIA/AASI
United States of America

On February 25th, 2009 the Rocky Mountain PSIA/AASI Board of Directors, lead by President Linda Guerrette, voted to raise dues $10 for active members and $8 emeritus members, to go into effect immediately for FY 2009/10. These increases, according to the proposal, are because of increases in expenses, though no actual year to date expenses were shown to the Board of Directors. The proposed budget that forced the dues increase included pay raises and bonuses with the argument that the Division's increased expenses should be supported by the membership.

Raising dues at this time when instructors are struggling is fiscally irresponsible. For the Board to take this abrupt action without looking at real numbers, going over each line item and determining what expenses can first be cut, is an extremely poor decision by the Board of Directors.

Fortunately, for our membership, the Bylaws of our organization gives you, the member, the power to put to an open membership vote any action of the BoD, as stated in Article V, Section 11.

The membership may protest any action by the BoD, by submitting a petition bearing the signatures of at least ten (10) percent of all of the voting membership of the association to the BoD within thirty (30) days after such action is published. Such right to protest shall not affect in any manner the finality of any action by the BoD. Upon presentation of such a protest, the PSIA/AASI-RM office shall prepare a ballot to be sent to all voting members of PSIA/AASI-RM with instructions to return the same within a period of the (10) days from the date on which such ballot was mailed. A simple majority vote of the ballots returned shall be necessary to reverse the action or ruling. DEADLINE APRIL 22ND

We the undersigned formally protest the 2 actions of the Rocky Mountain PSIA/AASI Board of Directors on February 25th, 2009 that raised membership dues.
1. The BoD moved to raise dues by $10 for active members beginning in the 2009/2010 season.
2. The BoD moved to increase dues for emeritus member to $25.00 beginning in the 2009/2010 season.

This petition, if successful, will call to a vote of the general membership to raise dues or not.

We thank you for your involvement in our organization! Please help us spread the word about this petition and take action to ensure our Board of Directors acts responsibly in the future.

The Stop the Rocky Mountain PSIA/AASI Dues Increase petition to Rocky Mountain PSIA/AASI was written by Brian Dunfey and is in the category Business at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

Rocky Mountain PSIA AASI RM