#City & Town Planning
Councillors and CEO of the City of Greater Geelong

Why is Old Melbourne Road an inappropriate site for an Intermodal Freight Activity Centre?

  • There are other sites including Heales Road, Gheringhap, Lascelles Wharf and Avalon Airport that are already zoned industrial
  • At current rates of development there is 60 years supply of industrial land which is in addition to 1700 hectares at Avalon
  • 747 hectares (scale is unprecedented)
  • Would join up Lara and Little River townships
  • It is not consistent with long standing planning policy of the Geelong Council to maintain green space between Melbourne and Geelong
  • It will compete with Heales Road Industrial Development funded by ratepayers
  • 24/7 operation will create light, noise and dust pollution described in the National Transport Commission report “Scoping Rail Environmental Issues Discussion Document” Sept 2004
  • Significant increase in heavy vehicles on local roads (McIntyre’s Road, McClelland Avenue, Windermere Rd, Old Melbourne Rd) causing road damage, noise and pollution
  • The land is owned by a private developer who stands to make windfall profits if the site is rezoned
  • Threat to Registered Aboriginal Cultural Heritage on the site
  • Negative impact on protected endangered flora and fauna, rural amenity and views of the You Yangs
  • Insufficient assessment of economic, social and environmental impacts before supporting it as the preferred site
  • There was inadequate community consultation prior to including the Old Melbourne Road site in the Lara Structure Plan as the preferred site for an intermodal freight activity centre

We, the undersigned, call on the Councillors of the City of Greater Geelong to amend the Lara Structural Plan in order to prevent the development of the Lara Intermodal Freight Activity Centre on the Old Melbourne Road site.

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The Stop the development of an Intermodal Freight Activity Centre on Old Melbourne Road petition to Councillors and CEO of the City of Greater Geelong was written by Lara and Little River Rural Action Group Inc. and is in the category City & Town Planning at GoPetition.