#Human Rights
United States of America

Retailers should not be open on Holidays to work their employees. JC Penny scheduled my dad and a couple of my friends to work 9 hours on Thanksgiving.
It is absurd that they are open even 24 hours a day up till Christmas. I want tradition back! It’s no wonder this world is the way it is. Let employees have their holiday cheer instead of the bah-humbugs this year and every year! Give them hope and faith in human-kind.

Let’s go back to tradition! Retailers should not be open on holidays so that their employees can have time with their families.
Where is the humanity?!
Please sign this petition in the hopes of retail stores to stop the greed of being open on holidays.

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The Stop Retailers from working employees on holidays petition to Retailers was written by Angela McNabb and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.