#Animal Rights

Long line fishing is fishing for sharks. It’s a fishing line with thousands of bated hooks. The bated hooks don’t only catch sharks; they catch other species of fish and sea turtles. They cut the fins and throw the corps back into the ocean while the sharks are still alive or they kill the other type species anyway.

This happens in places that do not have laws making it illegal to fish this way, some people do it illegally or places that they do not in force the law.

This happens everyday, every hour, every minute that they can. On average 73 to 78 million sharks get killed each year.

People make on average in the black market 200 dollars US for ONE fin. These poachers sell shark fins to restaurants; shark fin soup is a symbol of wealth, strength and respect.

My objective is to make long line fishing illegal in every country. My point is this is not only effecting the sharks it's effecting the world and us.

My request is I want the ministries of Fisheries and Oceans Canada to encourage other countries to make and in force long line fishing illegal.

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The Stop Long Line Fishing petition to Min@dfo-mpo.gc.ca was written by Andrea and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

Stop Long Line Fishing