#Civil Rights
ITT Technical Institute Corporate Headquarters
United States of America

ITT Technical Institute (Spokane Valley campus) recently had a memo handed down to them from corporate headquarters stating that ITT was converting to a "non-smoking" campus, and we students are not allowed to smoke cigarettes on their property, even in our own vehicles.

I've been a student here for two years now, and ITT had a very nice covered smoking area. In a bad storm the covered smoking area had blown down. When our campus director told headquarters about it, they were told not to put it back up because they were going smoke free.

No notice has been given to the students yet, I found out by accident. It is legal to smoke cigarettes, it is my right to smoke if I want too. I feel this is clear discrimination against smokers. We pay a very high tuition to go to this school, and they pay us back by telling us we can't do something legal to do. ITT is wrong and a huge disappointment.

We, the undersigned, call on ITT Technical Institutes's corporate headquarters to allow students and staff who smoke, to do so in our own vehicles, following State Laws, being 25 feet from the building.

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The Stop ITT's discrimination against students who smoke cigarettes petition to ITT Technical Institute Corporate Headquarters was written by Dena C. Johnston and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.