#Human Rights
President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, UN, EU,

“A pregnant woman who only gave birth to a child during the night was thrown out on the street the following morning along with her mattress and child who is just a few hours old (neonate). Pregnant Amara women have been forced to flee their homes. Many children as young as 8 months of age have been locked up in prison along with their lactating mothers and they have nothing to eat or drink thereby suffering from hunger. A farmer who individually was able to own as many as 3000 tree plants of coffee, avocado, mango, papaya and banana has been forced to leave behind everything and flee. Those farmers who had many bee hives and had engaged in poultry and dairy farm had to leave behind all their wealth. All these Amara farmers were told by the local authorities, "you cannot take along with you anything". Armed government officials threaten the Amara farmers with imprisonment on false charges. After confiscating and tearing into pieces identity cards of these Amara farmers, the local government authorities have subsequently accused these Amara farmers of travelling without an identity card and roughed them up and subjected them to suffering”.

Excerpt taken from appeal letter (dated 27 March 2012) written by the All Ethiopian Unity Party (AEUP) chairman Hailiu Shawel to prime minister Meles Zenawi regarding the forced eviction and deportation of 78000 Amharas from Bench-Maji in southern Ethiopia.

Hereafter I reproduce personal Testimony of an Amara who has been forcibly displaced in a draconian measure that amounts to ethnic cleansing from Gura Ferda district in southern Ethiopia. It is based on an interview a VOA (voice of America) reporter conducted with the victim by telephone.

“Amaras have been put or squeezed into a grain sack and subsequently beaten by the local officials. These Amaras were forced to feed on sand. They were yoked like draught animals and subsequently beaten. One person who was beaten in such manner has been incapacitated so much that he cannot stand anymore and he is now under treatment in hospital”.

The houses of the displaced people, along with all belongings of the displaced Amhara peasants, were set on fire by the TPLF regime on the eve of the Ethiopian Easter so that these peasants may not have any reason to return to their houses by way of collecting or selling their properties.

We, the undersigned, call upon President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, United Nations, European Governments and European Union, and all Human Rights Organizations to step in and stop the Ethnic Cleansing of the Amhara people by (TPLF) Ethiopian government.

The Stop Ethnic Cleansing of the Amhara people by (TPLF) petition to President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, UN, EU, was written by shaleka Selemon and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

Ethiopia Amhara