
Due to funding cutbacks imposed on all school boards in Alberta, the CBE's Budget for the coming 2010-2011 school year will post a $10M deficit AFTER cutting upwards of 200 teachers and 85 support positions (http://www.cbc.ca/canada/calgary/story/2010/06/01/calgary-teachers-school-board-cbe-budget-deficit.html).

What does this mean for schools in the CBE? Some schools could lose as many as 4 staff members, with most division 2 (grades 4-6) seeing significantly larger class sizes.

Did you know that CBE Staffing Cuts will include Lunchroom Supervisors and Custodial Staff?

It has been stated in some publications that the CBE is administratively top heavy and that deeper cuts in the upper echelons of the CBE Administration could be achieved before cuts to the teaching/support staff. (http://saveourfinearts.ca/?p=1149)

We, the undersigned, call on the Board of Trustees to reject the CBE 2010-2011 Operating Budget which currently proposes significant reductions in staffing of teachers and support staff in the schools. We ask that further staffing reductions at the school level be fully reviewed and alternative budget reduction measures be investigated and implemented.

The Stop CBE Staffing Cuts! petition to boardoftrustees@cbe.ab.ca was written by vcrane and is in the category Education at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

CBE Staff Cuts