United Nation

Black soot first appeared in Port Harcourt some 15 years ago. It is made up of fine black particles that cover the entire air space and settles on all surfaces. It is evident even inside homes and offices notwithstanding that such places are heavily curtained and air-conditioned. Floors ate totally covered in the soot. The origin of the soot was initially unknown but was later, apparently traced to illegal oil refining activities. The Rivers State government's mooted effort at tackling the environmental public menace failed woefully, and there are speculations that this is because the military high command is behind the lucrative business of illegally refining crude oil. This is a massive public health issue that has unfortunately continued without credible challenge. Most of the financial beneficiaries are based outside Rivers State whose inhabitants are forced to daily inhale the black soot substance. The soot settles on everything including food items, clothings, etc. Impact on both human and animal health is not yet scientifically ascertained but can be imagined.

We call on the UN to prevail on the Federal Government of Nigeria to clearly identify all origins of the black soot and eliminate same immediately. The Nigerian Government should also provide free medical assistance as well as pay compensation to everyone whose health affliction is traceable to the black soot

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The Stop Black Soot in Port Harcourt Nigeria petition to United Nation was written by Obinna Okoro and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.

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Port harcourt Black Soot