#Human Rights

A couple weeks ago, my dad was just listening to music and he played a song inspired by the attack on APS (Army Public School) in December. The song is sung by children who just express their feelings towards the inhumane creatures that are attacking innocent children. This song is a tribute to all the innocent children, whether in Pakistan, Palestine, Syria, Africa, etc., who lost their lives due to the wars that our ancestors started.

The song is in urdu but there is a verse that translates to : “We are a part of nation who’s children are a threat to the enemy. He isn’t that strong of an enemy if innocent children are his biggest threat.” It hit me hard and it really made me think about the power that i posses. I may be just an average 18 year old girl today but my idea’s can make or break tomorrow. I will grow up to be the future of the world.

As we’ve all read/heard that “You know there is no more humanity in the world when innocent children are killed for crimes they did not commit.” There is a really simple way to stop this. Educate our children so they don’t grow up to be barbaric.

We, the undersigned, call on the UN to help sponsor families from Gaza in order to save lives and educate the young ones who's potential is going to waste.

We request countries like the United States and Canada especially to provide equal support to the Palestinians as they have to the Syrians.

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The Start Sponsoring Families From Gaza petition to Government was written by Kinza Bawani and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.