Arkansas Game & Fish Commission
United States of America

Certain Waterfowl Decoys Prohibited
It shall be unlawful on any Commission-owned WMA and National Wildlife Refuge to possess, or take or attempt to take waterfowl with the use of, any simulated wing movement decoy or any decoy other than an arti cial decoy that imitates the appearance of waterfowl: no moving parts or electrical components; and is not subjected to any arti cial means that makes it appear to move, splash or cause ripples. From the rst day of the rst segment of regular duck season through the last day of the last segment of regular duck season (Ref. Code 01.00C De nition of Terms).
Exception: Manually operated “jerk strings” may be used to simulate decoy movement.
Simulated Wing Movement Decoys
Simulated wing movement decoys are any electric, mechanically operated, wind-powered, or manually powered apparatus or device that simulates wing movement, including any device that spins one or more xed- or stationary-winged decoys around a central axis.

We, the undersigned, do hereby attest that the AGFC, a government agency operating on behalf of taxpayers with taxpayer funds, has unjustly enacted and implemented a decoy restriction targeting public lands and public land hunters throughout the entire state of Arkansas. Furthermore, this restriction was placed on the guise that it was for the benefit of migrating waterfowl. We the people feel in order for such a restriction to be effective it must be a statewide restriction and therefore, must apply to all hunters and all lands public and private.

We, the undersigned, propose that the AGFC amend this regulation to apply statewide, including private lands within the borders of Arkansas, or completely remove this regulation.


Concerned Arkansas Sportsmen

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The Sportsmen for the fair and uniform application of hunting regulations. petition to Arkansas Game & Fish Commission was written by Charles Pilcher and is in the category Sports at GoPetition.