#Media Issues
Mark Zuckerberg

With all the violence going on and being posted via Facebook Live, its time we stand together and demand Facebook Live to be shut down IMMEDIATELY. Facebook Live is encouraging this type of behavior by allowing Facebook Live to remain active. Facebook does have a set of guidelines in place with what is allowed to be posted on Facebook. Facebook claims they are taking proper measures to ensure this does not occur but we have failed to see any improvements to this issue. If Facebook refuses to take down their Facebook Live feature, they should be held accountable for the actions of others while using their service.

Join me in signing this petition to shut down Facebook Live. It is not safe and encourages criminal behavior. This type of behavior is not allowed on facebook so why is it slipping through the cracks? Demand answers and demand ACTION!

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The Shut Down Facebook Live! petition to Mark Zuckerberg was written by Alyssa Walker and is in the category Media Issues at GoPetition.