#The building of more houses
United Kingdom

The constant development on the Island turning the green fields and open spaces into concrete houses. The roads can barely cope with the volume of traffic as it is.
No longer views of fields but cars, houses. Nose to tail traffic. Nearest A and E 30 minutes away. Schools are becoming full as soon as built.
1. Traffic
2. Schools
3. A and E hospital
4. Green open spaces
These are just a few things that mores houses affect

We the undersigned. call on the government to block the building of new houses on the Isle of Sheppey, The Island, once green fields are rapidly turning in to concrete. The Roads, unable to cope. The schools over crowded. No A and E.

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The Sheppey no more houses petition to 10000 was written by elizabeth montgomery and is in the category Miscellaneous at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

houses Sheppey