#Human Rights

With the prevailing covid-19 pandemic, Lesotho like other countries has taken the initiative to encourage its civilians to take the various vaccination that are availed across the globe and to further put on this measure the government of Lesotho has produced a gazette dated 31st December 2021, vol.66 which include a clause which reads as follows: "A chief accounting officer, manager, an owner or a person who is in charge of an institution, enterprise, facility, entity, place of work, study or business or an organizer of an activity, shall take all necessary steps to ensure that a person does not enter, remain, provide or acquire services on the premises if the person is not vaccinated in accordance with these regulations and schedule I". This is the direct violation of human rights which needs a quick attention for the protection of Lesotho civilians to fully exercise their human rights

"We, the undersigned, call on the United Nations Human Rights Commission, World Health Organization to stop Lesotho from violating its civilians human rights"

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The SAY NO TO FORCED COVID VACCINATION AND REFUSAL TO PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SERVICES IN LESOTHO petition to LESOTHO was written by Shaloowman Kabelo and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.