Corporation of Delta

Southlands is located in the southeast corner of Tsawwassen and makes up over 500 acres of farmland. This land is once again under threat of development, with the latest plan envisioning as many as 950 homes being built.

The developer has applied for a re-designation and rezoning of the Southlands farmland into mixed commercial and residential use. The proposed 950 unit residential and commercial project will grow the population by over 2700 people and add an untold number of cars to the already congested roads. In addition to being productive farmland, Southlands is immediately adjacent to Boundary Bay Regional Park, which forms a crucial part of the Pacific Flyway.

Commercial and residential development on the Southlands means sacrificing the qualities of life enjoyed by all residents in the community. It also means the loss of another vital link in the Pacific Flyway and contributes greatly to the systematic destruction of Delta’s farmland.

You have a right to oppose the impact that this development will have on your community. The 20 years of noise and traffic from the construction, the risk of development on a flood plain, the loss of yet even more irreplaceable farmland, combined with the increased traffic congestion make this development proposal not only senseless but irresponsible.

We, the undersigned, call upon Delta Council to reject outright Century Group’s applications for re-designation and rezoning of the lands commonly known as The Southlands.

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The Save the Southlands petition to Corporation of Delta was written by Richard Kunz and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.