Trophy Club
United States of America

When i was younger my favorite thing to do would be playing in the woods by Harmony Park, it still is. I grew up exploring and running around on that land as did a lot of my friends.

It just makes me sick to see the construction, I don't even recognize the path I used to take. It's literally painful to look at it, they have cleared out so much already and I know there's not much I can do at this age of fourteen. I know people will think why I bother with all this, why I even try, when peoples' greed is far stronger than there love of nature.

Well I'm doing this because when the entire forest is gone i would like to be able to say that i did all that a fourteen year old could to preserve it.We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect. ~Aldo Leopold, A Sand County Almanac

Please help support this petition to save the woods near Harmony Park. I grew up exploring on that land and now they plan to build a bunch of houses on it and cut down memories.

They have already destroyed so much and there isn't much time before it's irreversible. Not only me and everyone I grew up with treasure this small piece of land. All the animals that live there will have to find a new home. Yes there are plenty of places they could go but if we keep building like this then there wont be.

We keep dismissing the fact that we are taking their homes. They don't have the power to take our homes, so why do we take theirs, they are helpless. The houses they are building are probably going to be over sized anyway. We don't need these enormous monstrosities.

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The Save the Harmony Park Woods petition to Trophy Club was written by Savvy Clark and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.