Trustees of the Halton District School Board

Neighborhood Schools are the heart of our communities. The Core Programs (core English language, Special Education and English as a Second Language) offered within these schools are accessible to all our students.

• There is an overcrowding problem for the optional French Immersion program in Ward 4 (Glen Abbey/North West Oakville area).

• To deal with their overcrowding problem, parents who want only French Immersion in their schools (i.e. single track - where the entire school is only French Immersion) have said that one of the English Core Neighborhood Schools in Glen Abbey should be closed and the children in those schools should be moved so that the school can be re-opened as French Immersion only (i.e., as single track French Immersion).

• Parents of children in the English Core Neighborhood Schools who may be targeted for closure are very concerned about displacing our children from their friends and community (children and parents without cars couldn’t walk to school for after school events) and losing the community programs these schools offer (i.e., early literacy programs; breakfast clubs; after school homework support).

• To close a Neighborhood School and move children out, the School Board must have a Program and Accommodation Review Committee (PARC), a long and difficult process. Parents of children in our English Core Neighborhood Schools do not want a PARC: the only reason to have a PARC is to close our schools and move our children out.

Closure of a Core English Neighborhood school in Glen Abbey to solve overcrowding of an optional program would be a dangerous example of what could happen to any of our Neighborhood Schools in Ward 4, in Oakville, and in Halton.

We the undersigned as citizens of Halton call the Trustees of the Halton District School Board to (a) solve the current French Immersion overcrowding problem in Ward 4 without a PARC and (b) declare that the Neighborhood Schools targeted in Ward 4 will not be closed and Core Programs will be available to children at all these schools.

The Save our Neighborhood Schools petition to Trustees of the Halton District School Board was written by OPENS and is in the category Education at GoPetition.