Parents, Students and Educators
United States of America

Opening Public Schools
Gov. Roy Cooper has announced that North Carolina public schools will open in the fall for both in-person and remote learning with key safety precautions to protect the health of students, teachers, staff and families.
This is a modified Plan B the state previously asked schools to prepare. It is a measured approach that will allow children to attend school in person but provides important safety protocols such as fewer children in classroom, social distancing, face coverings, cleaning and more.
As a part of this plan, local school districts can provide a remote learning option for any child who chooses it. In addition, school districts will have the option of Plan C – all remote learning – if that’s best for them.
The Strong Schools NC Public Health Toolkit outlines the requirements for modified Plan B. Some of the requirements include:
Face coverings will be required for every teacher, staff member and student from kindergarten through high school. The state will provide at least five reusable face coverings for every student, teacher and staff member.Schools will be required to limit the total number of people in buildings so that 6 feet of distancing is possible, for example, when students are seated or in line. Districts and schools can use a plan that works for them – whether it’s alternating days or weeks or some other strategy.Symptom screenings, including temperature checks, will take place daily before children enter school buildings.Schools must create a way to isolate students who have symptoms and ensure that they can get home safely.Schedules must allow time for frequent hand washing and schools will regularly clean classrooms, bathrooms, buses and equipment.Teachers will work to limit sharing of personal items and classroom materials.Nonessential visitors and activities involving outside organizations will be limited.Schools will discontinue the use of self-service food or beverage distribution.
In addition to these and other requirements, schools are strongly recommended to implement other safety precautions such as:
One-way hallways and entrancesKeeping students in small groups that stay together as much as possibleEating lunch in the classroom if the cafeteria doesn’t allow for social distancingSuspending activities that bring together large groups such as assembliesInstalling physical barriers, such as plexiglass at reception desks and similar areas
Public health experts and school leaders developed these safety rules to protect our students and teachers and their families. They have also created detailed procedures for what will happen if a student or teacher tests positive.
If trends spike, and in-person school cannot be done safely even with these safety protocols, then North Carolina will need to move to all remote learning.
Who will assure that these methods are followed through? How are students and adults with pre existing conditions going to be safe? Will teachers and fellow staff be out on paid leave if they have to quarantine for 14 days or more? How will the older students be monitored to see if they're wearing masks, social distancing and washing their hands frequently?

We, the citizens of NC, request the
delaying of the opening of in person teaching in schools this fall, until there is a vaccine for the Coronavirus or the number of cases drop dramatically and stay at a level which can be easily approached in the hospitals.

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The Save My family and Yours Too! No In Person Teaching Until Covid-19 Has A Vaccine! petition to Parents, Students and Educators was written by Mollie Hill and is in the category Education at GoPetition.