#Bishop Zubik Return Fr. Thom
United States of America

Dear Bishop Zubik,
We the undersigned do hereby humbly request that Fr. Thom Miller be reinstated to the Lower Allegheny Valley Grouping.

Since his reassignment, many of the things we have come to depend on from our church have been lost. Our sense of community, our willingness to volunteer for parish ministry needs such as: extra-ordinary ministers of the Eucharistic, lectors, money counters and alter-servers; our ability to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation easily, our willingness to support our church financially have all decreased at a rapid rate.

We would appreciate Fr. Thom returned to the Lower Allegheny Valley Grouping so that we can truly come together as one and renew our faith and sense of belonging.

Fr. Thom has always been a beacon of God’s love to us and thru his sermons and daily example has inspired many of us to pray more, attend mass weekly if not daily and endeavor to reflect God’s love in our day to day lives.
We believe that all things are possible thru Christ our Lord and will continue to pray for you and your positive support of our humble request.

Yours in Christ,
The Lower Allegheny Valley Grouping

Bishop Zubik,

We know you have received hundreds of letters, e-mails and phone calls requesting Fr. Thom's reinstatement. We are now putting our names on this petition for you to clearly see we resolutely believe the needs of the Lower Allegheny Valley Grouping will be better met with Fr. Thom Miller as our Administrator.

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The Return Fr. Thom Miller petition to returnfrthom@gmail.com was written by Friends of Fr. Thom and is in the category Bishop Zubik Return Fr. Thom at GoPetition.