#Children's Rights
Emilymachado, Emilymichael

When I learned of my daughters abduction from Illinois to Brazil back in 2008, I began a desperate search for my child. I learned shortly in March of 2008 of her abduction. Prior to the abduction, the taking mother and I had a parenting agreement, but Within a few weeks, after the abduction, sole custody was granted to me and a warrant was issued for the mother. The Illinois state police got a hold of the case and called down to the local law enforcement agency who refused to report my daughter missing, and told them they violated my rights and within hours, my daughter was officially a missing child (6 months later, September 25, 2008 I believe)

As all that was going on, I contacted the State Department, Interpol and other agencies to find my daughter, but finding my daughter would take 3 plus years. In 2010, I flew to Brazil hoping to see my daughter, I stayed for 10-days, and never saw my daughter.

I filed for my daughters immediate return The Hague Convention on the aspects of international parental abduction, but I was told that I never would have a chance because although Brazil is apart of this treaty, they don't follow it. Brazil will argue that my daughter has established residency and I would lose.

In August 2011, I fled to Brazil, and finally after all the search, the media attention and pressure from the U.S. Government, I reunited with my daughter. I only was able to stay for 2-weeks, and went home. In December of 2011, I flew to Brazil again and saw my daughter, but after that December visit in 2011, it would be the last time I would see her

Today, I am in Brazil. I reunited with my daughter again, but this time, it was 6 years later. I reunited with my daughter on November 8, 2016. I am now as I have been since she was abducted working on getting her out of Brazil and back home where she belongs.

I am now calling on the U.S. Government, Brazilian Cebtral Authorities and other agencies to let my daughter come to Chicago in December 2017 to reunite with her family.

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The Return Emily to Chicago in December petition to Emilymachado, Emilymichael was written by Michael Sanchez, Charles Hamilton, Don Wood and is in the category Children's Rights at GoPetition.