#Human Rights
City of Airdrie

Airdrie bylaw B-31/2020, referred to as “Temporary COVID-19 Face Coverings Bylaw” is:

1. In direct violation and opposition to the inherent and Natural Rights each human has.
2. An infringement and undermining of parents ability to direct their child's health care,
3. Detrimental to lower income households.
4. In violation of the individuals Right to the privacy of personal health information.
5. In violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
6. In violation of the Canadian Bill of Rights.
7. In violation of the Alberta Bill of Rights.

We, the undersigned, being Free people with the birthright of Free Will, call upon Airdrie City Council to rescind bylaw B-31/2020, also referred to as “Temporary COVID-19 Face Coverings Bylaw”.

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The Rescind Airdrie Bylaw B-31/2020 "Temporary Covid-19 Face Covering Bylaw" petition to City of Airdrie was written by Dave Filipovic and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.