- Target:
- Mr. Hu Jintao, President of People's Republic of China
- Region:
- China
- Website:
- www.facebook.com
当中,北京著名作家刘晓波在2008年12月8日,即原定公布《零八宪章》两天前,被公安人员带走,至今仍未获释(更新消息:劉曉波於2009年6月23日以“涉嫌煽動顛覆國家政權罪”被正式逮捕)(更新:刘晓波于2009年12月25日被重判11年,剥夺政治权利2年)。其他因联署宪章而被公安人员传唤的人士包括︰北京著名宪政学者张祖桦、北京维权律师滕彪、上海维权律师郑恩宠、北京维权律师浦志强、西安维权律师张鉴康、广东维权律师唐荆陵、浙江作家温克坚、浙江记者昝爱宗,以及海南作家秦耕。据维权网2008年12月16日的消息指,至少39名联署人士受到威吓。 (详情请参阅︰http://www.crd-net.org/Article/Class9/Class98/200812/20081216212554_12417.html)
A group of about 300 mainland Chinese intellectuals first co-signed and released the Charter 08 (http://www.nybooks.com/articles/22210) on 10 December 2008 to demand for improvement of human rights, democracy and the rule of law in China. But many of them have been subjected to various forms of harassments, including detention and unreasonable interrogation by public security officers.
Among them, famous Beijing writer Dr Liu Xiaobo (刘晓波) was taken away by public security officers on 8 December 2008, two days before the Charter was originally planned to release. (Updates: Liu Xiaobo was formally arrested and charged with "inciting subversion of state power on 23 June 2009). (Updates: Liu Xiaobo was sentenced to 11 years' imprisonment and 2 years of deprivation of political rights on 25 December 2009.) Others who were summoned (chuanhuan) by public security officers included Beijing political theorist Zhang Zuhua (张祖桦), Beijing human rights lawyer Dr Teng Biao (滕彪), Shanghai human rights lawyer (郑恩宠), Beijing human rights lawyer Pu Zhiqiang (浦志強), Xi’an human rights lawyer Zhang Jiankang (张鉴康), Guangdong human rights lawyer Tang Jingling (唐荆陵), Zhejiang writer Wen Kejian (温克坚), Zhejiang journalist Zan Aizong (昝爱宗) and Hainan writer Qin Qeng (秦耕). According to Chinese Human Rights Defenders, at least 39 signatories have been intimidated as of 16 December 2008 (See: http://www.crd-net.org/Article/Class9/Class98/200812/20081216212554_12417.html)
After he was taken away, thousands of people from mainland China and around the world co-signed statements to support the Charter 08 and demand the Chinese government to immediately release Dr. Liu.
Please sign this online petition or send the following petition letter to the Chinese government or the Chinese embassy in your country.
立即释放北京著名作家刘晓波 停止迫害《零八宪章》联署人士
President Hu Jintao
President’s Office
People’s Republic of China
Premier Wen Jiabao
11 Wenjinjie
Xicheng District, Beijing 100800
People’s Republic of China
Re: Demand Immediate Release of Beijing Writer Dr. Liu Xiaobo (刘晓波) and Stop Harassing Signatories of Charter 08
Dear President Hu and Premier Wen,
I am deeply concerned about that Beijing writer Dr Liu Xiaobo was taken away by public security officers on 8 December for being one of the drafters of Charter 08 (http://www.nybooks.com/articles/22210), which was first co-cosigned by over 300 mainland Chinese writers, lawyers, academics and public intellectuals. Dr Liu was then under “residential surveillance” for more than six months. He was formally arrested on 23 June 2009 and was “suspected of committing the crime of inciting subversion of state power”. Liu Xiaobo was sentenced to 11 years' imprisonment and 2 years of deprivation of political rights on 25 December 2009
I am also concerned that other mainland intellectuals who co-signed the Charter were unreasonably interrogated or harassed by public security officers.
Dr Liu and the people who co-signed the Charter only exercised their freedom of speech, which is enshrined in Article 35 of the PRC Constitution. Their action was a peaceful expression of their views on demanding further improvement of human rights, democracy and the rule of law in the People's Republic of China.
Therefore, I call on the Chinese government to immediately release Dr. Liu and stop harassing other people who co-signed Charter 08.
Thank you very much for your attention.
Yours sincerely,
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The Release Beijing Writer Dr Liu Xiaobo (刘晓波) 释放北京著名作家刘晓波 petition to Mr. Hu Jintao, President of People's Republic of China was written by Bode and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.