#Energy regulation
Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission
United States of America

Puget Sound Energy, the largest utility and largest source of greenhouse gas pollution in Washington State, has submitted a 26-year plan to continue emitting huge quantities of greenhouse gases produced by burning natural gas.

PSE will charge ratepayers more than $10 billion to buy carbon allowances required to permit these emissions -- more than the company will spend maintaining or modernizing our energy grid. PSE claims this plan is the "second lowest cost" solution of the alternatives it studied, but the plan simply defers investments needed to reduce emissions until after 2050, placing the cost burden on future generations. Instead of pursuing cost effective solutions that significantly reduce emissions during the next decade, PSE prioritizes its own financial gain while risking harm to the environment, higher costs for ratepayers, and undue burdens on our children and grandchildren.

Read our detailed critique of PSE's plan and recommendations to regulators .

We, the undersigned, urge the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission to REJECT Puget Sound Energy's 2023 Gas Integrated Resource Plan. There are more cost effective alternatives which respect our environment, ratepayers, and future generations.

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The Reject PSE plans to pollute for 26 years petition to Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission was written by Don Marsh and is in the category Energy regulation at GoPetition.