US Law Enforcement
United States of America

When a person pulls out in front of you in traffic in the United States, even if you don't have time to react, if you had the right of way, or if the other person didn't bother to stop at a red light/stop sign, if you hit them then YOU are at fault for "Failure to Reduce Speed."

This is WRONG! You wind up with a ticket, points on your licence, and the other guy gets away clean. A new category of ticket should be instated with the same penalty as rear-ending someone specifically for when someone violates a traffic law by pulling out in front of someone and causing, what could be, a serious accident.

We, the drivers of America, call on the US Law Enforcement system to create a new category of ticket for people who violate another person's right-of-way and cause a rear-end collision by pulling out in front of them in traffic.

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The Reform Failure To Reduce Speed Traffic Violation petition to US Law Enforcement was written by Robbie Austin and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.