- Target:
- United States House of Representatives, United States Senate, President Barack Obama
- Region:
- United States of America
Current system of education only increases the gap between laborers and intellectuals.
Those in charge of administering resources -educated under this system, are totally disconnected of the real value and work involved to obtain/produce them.
Just like nature does not let us forget our evolutionary road that must be recreated before birth, every student should cover all the trades involved since the creation of agriculture. Only after experiencing the labors of each economical activity leaders will be able to reach full consciousness of its true value.
"Stop increasing the gap between laborers and intellectuals by creating programs that ensure new borns have the opportunity of receiving six months of natural breastfeeding, preschool and elementary kids know how to grow food organically, middle school students are aware of how to cook and conserve it along with its nutritional value, high school students are able to see what it takes to get dressed and to furnish a place to live in and, associate degree students finish their free education giving back to the community while continuing learning through trades involved with the care of the elders in sustainable places (i.e. organic farms)."
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The Reform education in the USA petition to United States House of Representatives, United States Senate, President Barack Obama was written by adriana saavedra and is in the category Education at GoPetition.