#City & Town Planning
The entire world and all who enjoy hearing the word Zoobdude
United Kingdom

Jersey needs to become an internationally recognized place to visit rather than a vaguely popular place for the British to go.

Simply by changing the name to Zoobdude, this will easily happen. It's a name for the future!

The Island of Jersey sounds boring. Not only that, it reminds me of the state of New Jersey in the United States; pleasant enough place, but lacks the reputation we should strive to uphold as citizens of the UK.

On the other hand, if we changed the name to Zoobdude, it would become instantly more popular, exciting and ... somewhere I would enjoy traveling to.

Zoobdude, it's a name for the future!

Jersey, it's a name that brings tears of sadness to my eyes.

We need one million signatures from UK and rest of world citizens! Let's start raising awareness and together, I hope we will all be able to visit Zoobdude and celebrate!

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The Re-name the Island of Jersey to Zoobdude petition to The entire world and all who enjoy hearing the word Zoobdude was written by Brook Morrison and is in the category City & Town Planning at GoPetition.