Department for education
United Kingdom

I propose a half day strike for our Children, for their right and ours as parents to have affordable holidays, without the nightmare of returning to a fine, or having a prison sentence!

I am a mum of two boys who rarely have a day from school sick or otherwise, but yet again the UK Government are using bullying tactics to tell parents what they are "allowed" to do with their children.

My children's education is important to us, as their parents we consider it to be highly relevant that they attend school regularly. However anybody who has children know their little lives flash before our eyes.

Today I read that a ski holiday company were offering to pay the fine, in response the Children's education department said it was a CRIMINAL offence to take your children out of school in term time.

I remember as a child wonderful holidays spent with my family, my children learn so much with us, our happy family, you have so much responsibility as an adult let children enjoy being children, we could not afford to go on our adventures in holiday time.

Friday 12th September, a half day strike for all Children.

Surely we can't all be fined? Surely we can't all go to prison a the same time?

Please we are asking to go back to the 10 days, with the head teachers permission!

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The Pupil strike : half day strike for our Children petition to Department for education was written by Zmb and is in the category Education at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

holidays strike Term time