#City & Town Planning
Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council
United States of America

-In an established single family neighborhood (SPOT ZONING is against the law) near a sensitive creek that flows directly into the headwaters of the San Marcos River
-Moves students into a single family neighborhood where life styles are at odds and will surely cause conflict as we have seen at the Retreat

Project Design
-Retail within project will pull consumers away from our already suffering downtown area and create even more of a traffic impact on Sessom
-The Parks Board denied this project because without the 5 acre park that was originally offered (they took it out of their plans) it didn't meet with the impervious cover limitations and didn't provide a true public park space

-Sessom Dr. had a D rating before the new dorms on the other side of the road were opened or the Retreat was opened. No new traffic impact studies have been done since then
-Last time this development was proposed our own traffic director told us that there is nothing that can be done to improve the situation.
-Our own Fire Chieff has stated that IF this development is allowed, they can't guarantee quick entrance into this area if further development is allowed in the canyon.

Environmental/Water Quality:
-The developer has a lot of promises that many don't believe is likely~ listed below
-Provides for water quality achieving removal of 85% of the Total Suspended Solids (TSS) (no water quality required under City Code)
-Providing for detention of stormwater runoff in amounts that exceed requirements of City Code
-Utilizing Low Impact Development (LID) techniques to assist in water quality treatment

Parkland/Open Space Preservation:
-Approximately 20% of site preserved as open space (not park space, just open space that will only serve residents and likely become full of beer bottles and garbage
-They claim the following: Providing for option for City to accept donation of additional 4.6 acres of land that would be preserved as open space....but at the Parks Board meeting we were told by city staff that the city needs this land to build wells, which is why it isn't on the developers plans
-Without the 5 acres that the city will have an option to accept, they effectively disenfranchise most residents that were formerly in the 200 ft notice zone making it IMPOSSIBLE to gather enough signatures to demand a super majority when the City Council votes yes or no on the project. Coincidence??? hmmmmm

Pedestrian Safety:
-The University allegedly won't allow them to build a sky bridge for pedestrians, which would be the safest best practice
-They will rely on signals that will stop traffic for pedestrian crossing on an already nearly failing road

Tax Benefits:
-The below benefits only apply IF the developer doesn't sell this property to the University, which is tax exempt
-There has been much speculation that the developer will indeed sell to the University as the original name of the development was North Campus Housing Project

(Based on $60 million project valuation)
City of San Marcos: $318,000
San Marcos CISD: $810,000
Hays County: $255,000

-Student oriented multifamily adds a significant amount of assessed valuation to the property tax rolls while having no additional burden on the School District. This project will result in $800,000 in free money for the School District.
-FREE MONEY?? This money will be at a cost to further degradation and disrespect of our established neighborhoods, our traffic problems and a major tributary creek to the San Marcos River.

Do not Support Rezoning of Sessom Drive Multifamily PDD.

The San Marcos Planning and Zoning committee is voting on the rezoning May 14th.

Students stand to lose nothing if this doesn't pass, but they can take pride in the fact that they made a very positive impact during their time in San Marcos if they vote against damage to the river and the very fabric of San Marcos

• Single family housing

• Spot zoning, destruction to neighborhood and environment
• Traffic on Sessom Dr. will continue to increase
• The Sessom creek river will not be given the attention it deserves
• Students, ask the developer how many jobs he would have created for you if this had passed? His petition is aimed at you since he can find no local support

• We can continue to combine our voices as students and residents of San Marcos to urge the Planning and Zoning Committee and City Council to vote no to this proposal and support the protection of neighborhoods, responsible development, and ask them to choose a location for this project that has been approved by the new master plan "A River Runs Through Us"

We the undersigned urge the Planning and Zoning Commission and the San Marcos City Council to support it's citizens (over 2,000 of which signed a petition for a moratorium on rezoning single family neighborhoods) relevant proposal and vote to encourage economic development in our city by placing projects such as this in compatible areas that have already been on our land usage maps for many years

We ask that you attempt to help the developer find a more suitable location that will not add to traffic on a D rated street, destroy an over 50 year old neighborhood, and cause construction run off into the headwaters of the river, and will be a project your citizens and students can support 100%.

Thank you for your consideration.

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The Protect Sessom Creek from Rezoning petition to Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council was written by Melissa Derrick and is in the category City & Town Planning at GoPetition.