#City & Town Planning
Town of Concord
United States of America


Update - at the meeting last night, the fields proponents presented a modified plan that does not involve moving the playground area. It still includes 4 60'diamonds and does not address the parking and safety issues. A further revised plan is to be shared with the community at an unspecified date.


There is a proposal to dramatically change Rideout Playground from the multi-use facility we all enjoy today to a premiere baseball facility for Concord Carlisle Youth Baseball/Girls Softball (CCYB/S), a sport that is played just 6-8 weeks per year.

Some changes presented in the CCYB/S April 22, 2008 proposed plan are as follows:
• Addition of outfield fencing around two to four fields, with “warning track” space in front of the fencing
• Conversion of two fields into “showcase” little league fields including above ground dugouts, bleachers and scoreboards
• Reorientation of three fields; downsizing of one field
• Relocation of the playground (tot-lot) area; it will be moved next to the tennis courts—far from available parking and away from the afternoon shade

The proposed changes virtually eliminate the open space currently enjoyed by all for Frisbee, kite flying, dog walking, soccer and many other organized and unorganized activities. Also, utilizing all four baseball diamonds will create significant parking issues in the area (currently only three are used at the same time, and there is not enough parking when this happens.)

The Concord Recreation Commission is looking for feedback from the community on this proposal. If they don’t hear otherwise from the community, the plan will go ahead and we will lose this wonderful open space in West Concord.

CCYB/S is planning to implement these changes as early as August 2008.

We, the undersigned, do not approve of the Concord Carlisle Youth Baseball/Girls Softball (CCYB/S) proposal to modify Rideout Playground.

We direct the Concord Recreation Commission to reject the proposal and keep Rideout Playground as it is today—a multi-use facility that serves the diverse recreational needs of the entire West Concord Community.

The Preserve Rideout Playground petition to Town of Concord was written by Anonymous and is in the category City & Town Planning at GoPetition.