United States of America

First, Toei and YTV joined together to air the English dubbed Pretty Cure on TV, and later, UK picked it up and aired it on Pop Girl. And it is unknown that it was ever air on US TV.

So we need then to air Pretty Cure and we can see how the ratings goes.

We want the English dubbed Pretty Cure on American TV.

Please get a TV deal in the US for the English dubbed Precure. Canada and UK did aired Pretty Cure on TV.

Please get Nickelodeon to air, just until they lose the right to this show after its first run! Long ago, 4Kids was gonna air it on TV but they couldn't.

Thank you.

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The Petitioning Toei: Bring the English-dubbed Pretty Cure to US Television petition to 2000 was written by Daniel McAlpine and is in the category Television at GoPetition.