H.E Hon. Sospeter Ojaamong

The Good Hon. Ojaamong is sure to bag the presidency come 2022 and he has to commit to appointing some of his most loyal lieutenants to plum State House positions.

Fellow Busians,

Come 2022, one of us will be occupying Kenya's most powerful office - lets all therefore petition OJ to commit to appointing Isurusi Yebumarachi as his State House Comptroller.

This will enable Busians to freely access the house on the hill as he is indeed a people person.

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The Petitioning H.E Sospeter Ojaamong to appoint Isurusi Yebumarachi as State House comptroller in 2022 petition to H.E Hon. Sospeter Ojaamong was written by Isurusi Yebumarachi and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.