
I'm sure you're all pissed of this killstreak as much as I am ... it has caused me ENDLESS anger!! Same as Second Chance!! These perks are honestly REALLY unfair and annoying.. I don't know who's idea it was in Treyarch to add these but seriously you guys need to gtfo.

Why would you even THINK of adding an RC car ? OR bringing back second chance / noob tubing ! I mean, with all the hate it got back in Modern Warfare 2 you would think that it would be removed but no, it's still there, and annoying as HELL!

So guys , please sign this petition or something ! Hear me out!!

Hopefully Treyarch will take this petition seriously and remove RC , second chance and noob tubing.

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The Petition to Remove RC-XD , Second Chance, and Noob Tubes petition to Treyarch was written by Arian Hodania and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

rc blackops bs gtfo