#Roads & Transport
Paulding County Georgia Board of Commissioners
United States of America

Cedarcrest Road is a residential area. The current projection for a four lane highway would:

*Make it more dangerous for our children crossing at roundabouts and all points when going to the pool or tennis courts on foot.
*Invite more high-speed traffic, including semi trucks, through our residential area.
*Destroy the quaint country feel that attracted most of us to move here, and lower our property values.
*Eliminate our trees and lose the beautiful walkway down Cedarcrest Road that so many residents use on a daily basis .

We, the people of Post 4, respectfully petition the Paulding County Board of Commissioners to not change Cedarcrest Road to a 4-Lane highway. Cedarcrest Road is a residential area.

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The Petition To Oppose the Current Cedarcrest Road Widening Project petition to Paulding County Georgia Board of Commissioners was written by Joseph Benson and is in the category Roads & Transport at GoPetition.