Sam Hamilton
United States of America

On January 2, 2008 an era began. On this day, the Mt. Lebanon senior electives of Satire, Contemporary World Literature and Media Literacy changed forever. At least until the end of the 2007-2008 school year. For it was on this day that Mr. Samuel Z. Hamilton assumed control of 1-3 sections of these classes and guided them to second semester senior success.

In addition, Sam also singlehandedly (with the help of the pre-existing coaching staff and several student coaches) brought glory to the bedraggled forensic program which had struggled mightily for years except for all of those state and national qualifiers. Sam's tenure is limited, however, because he was only hired as a long-term substitute.

We, the undersigned, call on the administration of Mt. Lebanon high school as well as the school board for Mt. Lebanon School District to hire Sam Hamilton as a full-time English teacher and forensic coach.

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The Petition for Sam Hamilton petition to Sam Hamilton was written by Sam Hamilton and is in the category Education at GoPetition.