#World Peace
Secretary-General of the United Nations

I pledge to join with others, locally and internationally, to carry out acts of nonviolent resistance in response to any move by the United States, Russia, France, United Kingdom, China or any other country to mobilize for war.

My actions will be respectful of human rights, and will be designed to cause disruption and civil disobedience, and to raise public awareness of the futility of war and the need for peaceful conflict resolution.

I make this pledge as an act of love, for my planet and for all beings.

I pledge to join with others, locally and internationally, to carry out acts of nonviolent resistance in response to any move by the United States, Russia, France, United Kingdom, China or any other country to mobilize for war.

My actions will be respectful of human rights, and will be designed to cause disruption and civil disobedience, and to raise public awareness of the futility of war and the need for peaceful conflict resolution.

I make this pledge as an act of love, for my planet and for all beings.

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The Peace Pledge petition to Secretary-General of the United Nations was written by Geoff Holland and is in the category International Affairs at GoPetition.