#Human Rights
Slug & Lettuce
United Kingdom

Following an incident in York recently of a breast feeding mother being asked to go into a back room to feed her baby, I would like to petition the Slug & Lettuce group to give good reason for this archaic policy.

The lady in question was feeding her baby in a discreet manner, and in accordance with Government and WHO recommendations. No other customer had passed comment about her feeding.

I would like to ask the general question of how breastfeeding mothers are supposed to follow guidelines about feeding their babies, when policies like this are allowed to be put in place?

We, the undersigned, call on the Slug & Lettuce, York, and the Slug & Lettuce chain in general, to overturn their archaic policy of asking breastfeeding mothers to feed their babies in a back room.

Feeding your child is not something that women should be made to feel ashamed of, nor should they or their babies suffer because of other people's inability to separate viewing breast as a sexual object from their true purpose of nurturing life.

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The Overturn Slug & Lettuce breast feeding policy petition to Slug & Lettuce was written by Huge Momma and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.