#City & Town Planning
Palmetto Bay
United States of America

Palmer Trinity lies within a residential neighborhood. The traffic situation in the neighborhood and on Old Cutler Rd. is a major problem. Adding more vehicles to the area is only going to aggravate this situation.

The school previously promised the residents in 1999 that it would not add more students or ask for an expansion. They are now ignoring that promise, and adding 800 students and 140 staff members.

If you moved to this area because you were under the impression that Palmer Trinity would remain a small school, please include that in your email.

Request for modification of previously approved site plan.

Loud speakers and crowd noise from the “SPORTS COMPLEX” Hours of operation, 7AM to 10PM, six days a week.

Night lighting of the sports fields (see hours above) will adversely affect the neighbors and the star gazing at the Southern Cross Astronomical Society across from the street from the school (7900 SW 176th St).

Request for a height variance to allow a maximum height of 50’7” where 35’ is permitted in the neighborhood.

Request for a variance to allow a three story building where two are permitted.

A third entrance on the west side of their property (next to neighborhood homes) on SW 184th St.

Parking within the east and west buffer areas on natural terrain.

Inadequate buffering of neighborhood homes (PT plans to build an access road, parking, ball fields, tennis courts, and bleachers in the buffer.)

Neighborhood will be a construction site for 15+ years.

Neighborhood homes will be less desirable.

Neighbors of the school will lose the “RIGHT TO THE QUIET ENJOYMENT OF THEIR HOMES”.

Request for a zoning change on the grove from AU (Agriculture) and EU-2 (5-acre estates) to EU-M (0.5 acre estates) which allows for building greater density.

Request for an increase in enrollment from 600 to 1400 students plus 240 faculty and staff.

Palmer Trinity was restricted to 600 students in 1999. (They promised the neighbors they would never ask for more. Their chapel steeple was limited to 35 feet. They are requesting a chapel 40’ tall at the roof with a steeple 71’3”).

Increased traffic on our already over burdened streets.

A loss of 33 acres from our tax base (the school pays NO PROPERTY TAXES) which results in all of us picking up the tab.

Additional burden on our already over burdened fire and police.

Building this mega sports complex will remove an important 33 acre grove canopy forever. This will destroy a natural habitat for birds and other wildlife like the red tailed hawk that hunts and nests there.


We, the undersigned, do not support the expansion of Palmer Trinity.

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The Oppose Palmer Trinity Expansion petition to Palmetto Bay was written by Kelly Gonzalez and is in the category City & Town Planning at GoPetition.