United Nations

Oil and gas exploration has been approved next to the precious Okavango delta in Botswana, Africa. Unique virgin natural areas will be destroyed and impossible to repair. Many animals including large herds of African elephants will perish
Unnecessary extra carbon will only enrich a few, at the expense of everyone else and the planet. The area may become unstable like West Africa and make protecting animal and nature even more dangerous and difficult.

We ask the UN to consider discussing the following:
The Okavango Delta is under serious threat from oil and gas exploration. Governments of Botswana (and Namibia) seem willing to endanger their golden goose for tourism also! Greed and stupidity has no limits? The three founding chiefs of Botswana would be shocked and ashamed. The endangered wildlife could  disappear in an oil slick. Tourists won’t bother going any more, money will dry up. More corruption, cronyism and probable  terrorism will take over as in almost all oil rich states. And the planet will die a little faster. Sign this and at least try to make a difference, even though it is almost certainly too late. Apathy and passive acceptance seems the only possible path into an uncertain, uncomfortable future. Let’s protect all the elephants in the room, of which a third of the African variety live in. Botswana!! Okavango includes rare antelopes, bucks, birds and other wild beasts, in a pristine waterways which oil and gas will surely pollute and ruin.
Go see it before it’s gone, but sign here first if you care about the future of the earth and biodiversity, ecology, the climate and of course humanity itself.

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The Oil drowning wild African elephants and destroying nature petition to United Nations was written by John Walker and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.