#Neighborhood Living
Mayor Diane Watts

Save the Community! HELP THE CHILDREN!

BC Attorney General Kash Heed: announced Wednesday Oct. 7th, 20009 that Surrey won its bid to be the site for the region's new remand centre.

Currently at 150 beds for a pretrial the Surrey Remand will ad an additional 180 cells holding 360 people. Coming to a to of 510 in holding cells. This is a regional remand centre servicing Metro Vancouver.

Once released from court individuals then need to find their way back home or hang out with us in our beautiful, family oriented neighbourhood. Thus, homeless, stealing cars, breaking into our homes or worse - harming our children and loved ones.

This WILL affect the Safety of OUR CHILDREN, Homes and Community.

We, the undersigned, say no to the completion of the Surrey Remand Centre at 142St and Hwy 10.

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The No to Surrey Remand Centre (142St and Hwy 10) petition to Mayor Diane Watts was written by Terri and is in the category Neighborhood Living at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

Surrey Remand Centre