Citizens of USA
United States of America

March 2018: The United State of America President and National Security Advisor designate are openly considering and threatening the prospect of launching a nuclear pre-emptive strike on North Korea.

The world looks to the USA as one of the global leaders for promoting peace among nations, especially where nuclear arms are concerned. A first strike is morally repugnant and an unthinkable act. The United States has had a long history of promising the world that it would use its nuclear arsenal only as a deterrent to war and as a response to a nuclear attack by another country or entity, and not to ever consider making a first-strike to start a war.

The world has been safer and billions of people sleep in peace because of this unshaken trust in that US pledge. We cannot afford to lose the trust of the world in this issue.

We the undersigned, do hereby petition the President and leaders of the USA to: 1) immediately stop all rhetoric threatening a first-strike with nuclear weapons because it will incite fear in the world and could actually cause a pre-emptive strike against the USA by another nuclear nation; 2) clearly present to the world an affirmative statement that it is the US Government's national policy to never threaten to conduct a first-strike nuclear attack; and 3) pledge that the USA government and its military will never make such a pre-emptive attack in the future.

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The No Nuclear First Strike Ever! petition to Citizens of USA was written by David Kidd and is in the category Nuclear at GoPetition.