#Civil Rights
United States of America

Mask mandate in schools is nonsense. They don't help when people don't wear them right. Its pointless for kids to wear them when the cdc doesn't reccomend to wear them anyways as they dont protect anyone in the first place. People get sick from wearing their masks and not washing them daily. We need to protect our kids and not lead them to believe the government can control everything we as US citizens, can do.

We as parents believe that a mask doesn't prevent the virus. As it is microscopic, it can go thru a mask. It has been proven by CDC that a mask doesn't help prevent it. Wearing it while in school causes kids to not understand the teachers as well and kids cannot see or hear as well. I say sign this petition to keep kids mask free!

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The No mask in school petition to ALL was written by Fawn szydel and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.

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