#Human Rights
House of Representatives
United States of America

I would like a petition for the Rights of Grandparents to see their grandchildren. To also protect the Children from being used as a pawn for parents, because it causes great despair for the children that love their grandparents. Their are grandparents all over this country that are banned from seeing their grandchildren because one of the adult parents doesn't like one, or both of the grandparents. So they block those grandparents from all further contact of their grandchildren. Only to leave the grandparents in great agony. We have no rights, so I want to get enough signatures to be able to stand on the floor of Congress stating how terrible it is to live without ever seeing their grandchildren. I'd like to call this petition/bill; Nabela's Law! The name of my 1st grandchild that I haven't been able to see in three years.

We the undersigned call on Congress to set a Bill in action, to protect the rights of Grandparents. Presently there are no National laws in place to protect neither the Grandparent, nor the grandchild. Grandparents at present, are being prohibited from seeing their grandchildren, yet they haven't broken any laws. In other words these grandparents are being kept away without any valid reason to see their grandchildren. There isn't a law written in any State that protects the rights of grandparents with certainty across this great land of ours. We have no recourse to turn to in State government that would help grandparents get visitation in the State Court System. Each state has little to no laws of their own concerning grandparents, giving the only hope to seeing their grandchildren when standing in front of a sympathetic judge. Please help by signing this petition so that every grandparent has some kind of recourse to possibly see their grandchildren again. This loss just doesn't affect the grandparent, but those young developing minds. This Bill, when passed, will open back up that special bond that a grandchild has with his or her grandparent. Which is above, and beyond that of a parent.

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The Nabela's Law petition to House of Representatives was written by David Hart and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.

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