#City & Town Planning
Randolph Civic Association
United States of America

Recently, the Park Service closed the Rec Center at Randolph Hills Local Park (on Ashley Drive) due to it's extreme state of disrepair. Currently, the official position of the Randolph Civic Association is to lobby Park officials and the county council to find funds to replace the building.

However, there is a proposal from Parks to reconfigure the park in a way which we believe will better serve our community. One of the primary problems with the current layout of the park is that the playground is poorly located. It is far from the parking lot, dangerously close to the baseball field, and is full of mosquitos due to it's proximity to the creek and it's low elevation. The old Rec Center currently sits on the ideal site for a new playground: right next to the parking lot, and on high ground. Parks would like to remove the building, and build the new playground there. They would also build a picnic shelter with picnic benches and a grill. The photo on this page shows a park similar to what would replace the rec center.

A well designed park can be a hub of a community. This is not what we currently have. Ask yourself: How often do I use this park now? Have I EVER rented the rec center? In fact, have I ever rented ANY rec center? How useful is a park with a poorly located playground and a building that is always locked and unusable?

Now ask yourself: Would I use the park if there was a picnic shelter that I could use anytime without having to plan ahead and pay to get a door unlocked?

Please sign this petition if you would like the RCA to support removing the building and moving the playground and picnic shelter to the new site.

The Move Rec Center from Randolph Hills Park petition to Randolph Civic Association was written by Matthew Tifford and is in the category City & Town Planning at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

Prease herp Criff!