#Children's Rights
Mooresville Graded School District
United States of America

The children that are out in this trailer are at risk kids. This trailer was out there for some time. The trailer that is holding these children has storage for the school at South Elementary School. There is standing water around and under the trailer, bushes all around the trailer, parking to take the kids in and out is dangerous, the playgrounds are horrible, there no way to keep children from the weather, no way of passing side by side on the walk way, the rooms are small. If fire broke out during nap time there is no possible way to get the kids out quickly for the carts being in the way.

The Pre-k program was originally in the schools. There are only 36 children in Pre-k program. With this amount of kids in the program there should not be a problem to place the kids inside the schools.

Our children are our future and we are to take care of our children. We call to action to sign this petition on behalf of the children because we are their voice.

We as parents, grandparents, uncle, aunts, cousins, friends, and neighbors, wish to make sure children have a chance at every opportunity to be beautiful, smart and to be anything they want to be. It starts while they are at our knees. We called for these trailers to be used only for hour classes for the children, and not an all-day class for children that are 3-4 years old.

Please move these children inside the schools.

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The Move Pre-K from Trailers petition to Mooresville Graded School District was written by Pre-K and is in the category Children's Rights at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

trailers kids pre-k