stephenie meyer
United Kingdom

People we need midnight sun! People across the world are fans of the twilight saga and the host written by stephenie meyer...She had begun writing midnight sun which is the twilight saga but from edward's point of view...

We all want to know what it looked like through edward's eyes and she had been writing it when she gave the first 12 chapteres to someone who she trusted but they then went and posted the chapters on the internet illegaly not thinking about stepheine's feeligs at all...so she has posted the chapters for all who want to read on her website and claimed that she has put it on hold indeffiently...(shes never going to write more) but i protest agasint this!

We dont just want 12 chapters we want all of it! So sign this petition and let us let Stephenie know how much we care about midnight sun!!!

We, huge fans of the twilight saga and/or the host, want to sign this petition as a sign to let Stephanie know how much we care about midnight sun and how she must continue writing it and release it in the future!

The person who betrayed Stephenie is mean and cruel and has no repect for her at all! so we sign this that will be sent to Stephenie meyer to show how much we want midnight sun!!!

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The Contuine with Midnight Sun ! petition to stephenie meyer was written by edwardcullenismylife12 and is in the category Literature at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

Midnight Sun Stephenie