United States of America

Football is a game played by the toughest of tough. It’s a game of strength, sometime brutality and adrenaline. To keep showing bubblegum pop in the Half Time show is an insult to the fans. The real fans, not the paid ones that fill the field when these bands perform. You wouldn’t have to censor Metallica like you did on 2/3/2019. Metallica is world known, in the Rock and Roll hall of fame, and a legendary band. The ratings would go through the roof.

We NEED Metallica to play the Half Time Show Super Bowl 2020. After yet another lackluster performance we the people are demanding what we want and need. Football is a game of gladiators, played by the toughest of tough. Enough bubblegum pop halftime shows. We need adrenaline, in your face loud rock! We need Fuel, Fire and that which we desire. Give the people what we need!

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The Metallica Half Time Show 2020 petition to NFL was written by Jim Ewer and is in the category Football at GoPetition.