Australian Medical Association (AMA)

In memory of Mary Kathryn St John, age 6, whose life was suddenly taken by Sudden Onset Juvenile Diabetes.

We, the undersigned, call on the Australian Medical Association to introduce MANDATORY BLOOD GLUCOSE LEVEL (BGL) testing for every Australian child during routine checkups.

A simple fingerprick performed by doctors and paediatricians could detect elevated blood glucose levels, which is indicative of Type 1 diabetes-a condition which is fatal if not treated. Children can have elevated blood sugar levels and have symptoms that can be mistaken for tiredness and dehydration.

Type 1 diabetes is often overlooked even when symptoms are present, and often, it isn't until a child is admitted to hospital with terrifying symptoms that type 1 diabetes is discovered. Children need not suffer or have their lives endangered-a fingerprick needs to be included with other routine procedures during a checkup.

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The Mandatory Blood Glucose Testing For Australian Children at Routine Checkups petition to Australian Medical Association (AMA) was written by Kate Hannant and Annemarie Felten-Branson and is in the category Health at GoPetition.